Dragonball 4ever


The Dragonball series and movies will forever hold a special place in my heart. I have tried numerous times to walk away from collecting cels from it, but every time it reels me back in, one way or the other. The original Dragonball and Z series, now over 25 years old, are still very popular today, and gloriously withstand the sands of time. And with the release of Super, whole new levels of appreciation has arisen amongst us veterans for the GT series and the Super Saiyan 4 form. 


Below are the cels I used to own from 2004 to 2020.

Thank you to all who bought from me. I hope the cels will bring you joy and I wish you good luck and happy hunting! :)


a bit of bla bla...

SSJ4 Gogeta - a cel I sold back in 2009
SSJ4 Gogeta - a cel I sold back in 2009

Dragonball Z was my first anime love. Weirdly enough it's also the only anime I prefer to watch English dubbed, even now. Masako Nozawa did an amazing job, but I just can't get used to the sound of her voice on Goku. Though I obviously do prefer the Japanese dialogue. 


I don't think I had ever seen anything like it, and back then I could not wait for the next episode to air. It was one of the first series I collected cels from and to this day I'm still in love with the series, its worlds and its amazing characters.


My first Dragonball Z cel was a cel of chibi Trunks from the second Broly movie. After that first cel the collection quickly expanded until my collecting habits spiraled out of control and I ended up spending a lot of money on cels. Dropping four-digit numbers on single cels like it was the most normal thing in the world.


Then, in 2009, I decided enough was enough. No more spending half a month's wages on cels and I put the entire collection up for sale. A sale that didn't take long I might add. And a sale I regret to this day.

Ah, regrets: SFX Vegeta (dead) - One I sold long ago :(
Ah, regrets: SFX Vegeta (dead) - One I sold long ago :(

After selling my entire Dragonball collection, I then sold most of my other remaining cels, keeping only my Windaria collection. I focused on Naruto and One Piece genga for a while until I stopped collecting completely in 2011.


Then, in 2014, after a three year hiatus and completely out of the blue, I stumbled upon a gorgeous Goku with halo cel from the Majin Buu saga and my passion for cels instantly went over 9000 again. So now I am, very slowly and very cautiously, building up a collection again, focusing only on Dragonball and Windaria this time. It's not going to grow fast, as I only seem to buy a handful of items each year, but hey, I'm not in a hurry :)


One cel that was part of the initial collection of 2009, a rather spectacular close up of SSJ3 Goku, has recently found its way back into my hands, which is quite amazing. Now I'm on the look-out to retrieve the others. I actually know where all the cels are now, it's just hard to contact the owners as most of them have either moved on, no longer collecting or not in touch with the community anymore. Rubberslug going belly up and not forwarding gallery feedback isn't helping much either.  


Perfect SSJ4 Goku - also sold back then
Perfect SSJ4 Goku - also sold back then

For collecting I prefer (portait) shots of Vegeta, Goku and (Mirai) Trunks in either Saiyan or Non-Saiyan form. Gogeta and especially Vegito are absolute favorites. Majin Vegeta will tempt me immediately but I do not like everything. Bardock is an instant favorite, especially with his red bandana. Of Turles and Piccolo I would love to own at least one nice piece.


Also, I try to only buy cels that are not too faded or damaged as severe line fading can seriously devalue a cel for me. 


Unless the cel is insanely nice I'm not interested in the minor characters, so you won't see me spending my hard earned money on any of them here. Also, none of the ladies except for Android 18 and maybe Bulma, with the latter preferably from the Majin saga with her short hair and red dress. Obnoxious Chi-chi will only appear here if hell freezas over (I saw what I did there).  


SSJ Goku on Namek - I so regret selling this one
SSJ Goku on Namek - I so regret selling this one

Another character you will not see here is overpriced Broly. I know the Neanderthal is quite popular, but I will never buy a cel of that imbecile who enjoys beating up little kids a fraction of his size (and I don't even like children that much...go figure). So they are all yours. 


I definitely prefer DBZ over GT (who doesn't), but compared to Super, GT is a diamond in the rough and I do love the SSJ4 form. I would love to get my perfect SSJ4 Goku close-up cel back, but it is hard to get in touch with the current owner of the Neo Sailor Moon gallery. 


My DBZ collection is probably not going to be large in size, as I value quality over quantity and am very picky with cels these days. My priorities have shifted and I have no intention of dropping the really big amounts for cels anymore. 


However small my collection may be though, I do hope it will at least be interesting.